Link to Verji message and attachment is a very useful feature where one can get integrational functionality by using Drag & Drop of links you want to share in Verji, or externally. This method will work in many other applications and business relater systems where you have the content securely saved in Verji, while you make it available in your other programs.

Links to Verji messages are completely safe to send, because only participants in the encrypted conversation or room you are sharing from, can gain access to the message/file.

There are two ways to make a link to a Verji message or file

  1. Copy and paste
    - Right-click the timestamp of the message and select Copy link address
    Right-click where you want to add the link, and select Paste

  2. Drag & Drop
    - Left click the timestamp and hold it. Drag the link to where you want to add it.
    - Release the hold when you have placed the link where you want it.

This can be a useful feature in for instance your Outlook-calendar, if you want to add a confidential document which the meeting participants need access to before a meeting. What you send in an Outlook-invitation is usually un-encrypted, and is sent as a regular e-mail. The content can easily be stolen by unwanted parties. 

Another example may be an attachment you have received in Verji, that you want to share encrypted in a business program as a note.


Encrypted link share external links